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Squirrel Control in Exeter and the Surrounding Areas | Professional and Approved Pest Control Methods

If you want to control grey squirrels on your property in Devon, ACE Pest Management is the company to call. We offer professional squirrel control services to residential and commercial customers in Exeter and the surrounding areas. Using a range of approved methods, we manage the presence of grey squirrels, which can cause property damage and impact woodland if not carefully controlled.

Our team carries out effective and reliable pest control services to protect your property from squirrels and can provide additional solutions as needed. This includes rat control and wasp nest removal, among other pest treatments.

Please contact us for:

  • Non-Toxic Pest Control

  • Humane Control Methods

  • Squirrel Trapping

  • Squirrel Shooting

  • Domestic and Commercial Squirrel Management

  • Squirrel Control for Woodlands and Properties

Approved Squirrel Control Methods

At ACE Pest Management, we only use approved humane methods for controlling and managing grey squirrels. This includes squirrel trapping and PCP airguns.

An internal trapping programme can be employed if squirrels are entering the roof space.

If you require external squirrel control for a wooded area or garden, we use a combination of trapping and squirrel shooting, depending on the situation.

It is worth noting that because the grey squirrel is an invasive species, it is against the law to re-release them into the wild if they have been caught alive.


Grey Squirrel Management | Woodlands

Grey squirrels are proven to negatively impact local habitats in numerous ways. They are a significant factor in the decline and near extinction of the native red squirrel, contribute to reduced wood production and affect woodland biodiversity. Furthermore, they take eggs and young chicks from nests, devastating populations of songbirds and ground-nesting birds.

Grey squirrels also strip bark from trees, which can lead to restricted growth, fungal infection and death of the tree. Susceptible tree species include oak, pine, beech, sweet chestnut, larch, sycamore and Norway spruce between 10 and 40 years old.

Consequently, professional squirrel pest control is crucial for supporting the health and diversity of woodlands.

Grey Squirrel Management | Homes and Commercial Properties

Squirrels often enter roof spaces to build nests. However, they can damage woodwork, electrical wiring and water pipes. They also tear up insulation and have been known to enter lower levels of properties, causing havoc.

If you have an issue with grey squirrels inside your domestic or commercial property in the Exeter area, don’t wait to call ACE Pest Management. We provide a fast response and reliable squirrel control services to protect your premises.

Call 07548 349015 for more information about our approved squirrel control methods in Exeter and the surrounding areas.